The Most Idiotic Restaurant Review I've Ever Seen

Yes, I'm still alive!

I often peruse online restaurant reviews, and it's not unusual in this day and age to see keyboard warriors post a review for a restaurant that they have not even taken the time to eat in. What on earth possesses someone to do that, I really can not fathom.

I recently came across what has to be one of the most idiotic reviews I have ever had the displeasure of reading for the acclaimed Field restaurant in Prague, holder of 1 Michelin Star.

The reviewer goes by the name Irene Eng and seems to be fairly prolific at posting on every review platform under the sun, they have posted the same one star review in a number of places such as:

I apologise in advance as the review is an excruciatingly painful read, but I'm sure anyone who has ever worked in hospitality can relate to seeing this level of idiocy. To give my own little summary:
  • This person did not even eat in the restaurant.
  • They made no attempt to make a reservation in advance and just went to the restaurant with some arrogant expectation they would be accommodated, this being a hugely popular restaurant I should add.
  • Anyone with any restaurant understanding whatsoever knows a huge number of high end restaurants, particularly those holding Michelin Stars and offering fixed tasting menus, are not able to accept walk in guests. Yet this arrogant reviewer does not.
  • They mention Cafe China New York as a restaurant that will always seat walk ins; a completely different restaurant in a totally different continent! How on earth is that relevant? And just to confirm the complete ignorance of the reviewer, Cafe China New York hasn't held a Michelin Star since 2019. 
  • To post exactly the same ridiculous review on so many platforms is very telling.

I often see chefs on social media bemoan stupid reviews and I completely understand the frustration, but this particular review really is one of the most ignorant and arrogant I have ever seen.

I'm a firm believer that review platforms should require a basic level of proof a customer has actually eaten in a restaurant before being able to leave a review online, but it seems incredibly unlikely that may happen any time soon.